Number Context / HLR Lookup

Number Context / HLR Lookup

HLR Lookup, number context, imsi lookup, ported mobile number, roaming mobile number, landline, original network name, active phone numbers.

HLR Lookup is a service to check the validity of a mobile number and identify the networks that each number is subscribed to. Most importantly, it helps to check if the phone is still active. This means if the number is  barred, the original network name, ported number to other mobile network and etc.

HLR works best when you wish to clean your database. Hence, you can significantly reduce your marketing costs by weeding out bad or inactive numbers thereby, ensuring your messages are successfully sent to the target group.

What can Number Context do?number context, original network name, active phone numbers, roaming mobile number

With Number Context, you can determine:

  • which numbers are currently active
  • is the mobile number in roaming
  • is the mobile number ported or not
  • the optimal route for messages and voice
  • the type of number (e.g. landline, machine-to-machine, mobile etc.)


Our cloud provides global connectivity over trusted operator partners. Thereby enabling a reach to national number portability databases, with real time information.

Pick your package!
Pick a Number Context package which best fits your business type. We’re offering three distinct packages tailor made for three types of enterprise clients.

Database Cleansing
Best for companies with large number databases, our Database Cleansing package enables identifying inactive numbers.

HLR helps to resolve number portability issues for various company types. This package enables real-time number portability lookups to optimise message and voice routing. Also, it includes all features of the Database Cleansing package.

Primarily made to serve the financial client segment, the package provides roaming information for optimised routing. It also prevents ATM frauds and much more.

Who uses Number Context?

Banks, financial institutions, VoIP providers, call centres, analytics companies, and others use HOSTCMCHEAPSMS Number Context. They use it to clean their databases and keep them healthy. By doing this, they eventually cut costs, optimise billing processes and avoid costly interworking fees.

Integrate in no time

Quick integration is possibe over APIs. Therefore, connect to our platform and start using Number Context in no time. Our 24/7/365 expert technical support is always on call to help you with any issue or question you might have.